Corrupted Blood
HD video, 16:18 (2024)
Corrupted Blood is an experimental documentary centered on a virtual epidemic that occurred in the game World of Warcraft in 2005. The outbreak, caused by a glitch that allowed a virus to spread beyond its intended zone, rapidly infected thousands of players and disrupted the game’s virtual environments.
The film combines player testimonies gathered from forums and comment threads with modified 3D models extracted from the game. By examining how players responded to the epidemic, Corrupted Blood reflects on collective memory and shared experience, questioning how events within constructed digital worlds echo into wider contexts.
From the online comments of
@gameprose4293 @atarirob @nekoali2 @Mayaya27@omathitis8498 @TORONORITHOFBONECHEWER @EOIN WINTERS @rornock909 @WillieManga @dragonslair951167 @callmeindie1348
Thomas Parigi
Voice Generation