Corrupted Blood
HD video, 16:18 (2024)
Corrupted Blood is an experimental documentary that revisits the virtual epidemic that unfolded in World of Warcraft in 2005. Triggered by a glitch that enabled a virus to spread among players, the outbreak—initially confined to a specific zone—infecting thousands of players worldwide and throwing virtual cities into chaos.
Drawing on player testimonies sourced from forums and comment threads, the film integrates and reworks 3D models extracted from the game using digital modeling techniques. Through this exploration of player reactions to the epidemic, Corrupted Blood interrogates the relationship between collective memory and lived experience, blurring the boundaries between the real and the virtual.
From the online comments of
@gameprose4293 @atarirob @nekoali2 @Mayaya27@omathitis8498 @TORONORITHOFBONECHEWER @EOIN WINTERS @rornock909 @WillieManga @dragonslair951167 @callmeindie1348
Thomas Parigi
Voice Generation